Homeopathy Spagyric Medicine Treatment at your convenience

Homeopathic Spagyric Medicine Services Offered Worldwide by E Mail , Phone or Fax. Homeo Centre is the only Asian clinic that provides patients with an opportunity to receive treatment from anywhere in the world. This option provides a convenient, professional and efficient health care service to compliment any busy schedule.

Dr. Kundu offers his services to patients worldwide, and has been doing so for many years. Dr. Kundu has treated patients from countries including the United States, Saudi Arabia(KSA), Germany, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh. Dr. Kundu welcomes all new patients.

How Does the Treatment Plan work?

How Does the Treatment Plan work?
1.Patient submits his/her Case Record form alongwith prescribed fees
2.Patient calls or e mails to schedule an appointment
3.After scheduling an appointment, the consultation will take place over the 

  phone or via fax or e mail .
4.The patient’s case is analyzed and an individualized treatment plan is created.

5.The individualized treatment plan and instructions are e mailed, if  required,
   medications are couriered or  mailed to the patient’s home.
6.Unlimited follow-up appointments via phone or via e mail.
7.Physical visits of patients with prior appointment, if patient desires.


Dr Kundu with Grisela Bruckel (Germany), Dr. Awan (USA), Dr. Ambrosi (Italy), Prof Luigi (Italy), Dr.Terry(UK), Dr Anton (Colombo), Dr Tong (Malaysia), Dr. Chitrakar(Nepal), Prof SP Ojha, Dr Ambrosi, Dr.Luigi, Dr E A Hunter, etc