An introduction about Homeopathy
1. Homeopathy – a brief overview
Homeopathy is a practice of complementary medicine which works in alignment with the natural healing process of the human body. Homeopathy has been in use for more than 150 to 200 years. The remedies of this alternative healthcare therapy are designed in such a way that they stimulate the natural reaction of the human body to help with numerous health conditions and disorders, eventually bringing back the health to the normal state. With an ever increasing number of people choosing to go in for increasingly natural way of preserving their health, this alternative stream of medicine can be used conscientiously in conjunction with conventional treatments and the same has an increasing evidence base to upkeep the same.
Benefits of Homeopathy
Homeopathy is proved to be a safer alternative medication when compared to other therapies.
- This alternative therapy is safe in terms of being non-invasive and non-toxic to the human body. Homeopathy is known to have no side-effects even if used for longer period of times and this is a proven fact.
- Homeopathic treatments are safe to be used by people of all walks of life ranging from pregnant women, elderly people, and even toddlers.
- Homeopathic medicines are essentially diluted substances – in the sense they are extremely diluted. Thus these remedies are devoid of any sort of whole molecules and therefore are non-toxic, non-allergic, and non-poisonous.
- Unlike a few other therapies that essentially believe in cure through suppression, homeopathy on the other hand stimulates the body in attaining a balance.
- The medications in homeopathy are made out of natural substances and are devoid of any sort of chemicals or synthetic substances.
- More important than all, homeopathic treatment is extremely cost-effective and economical, given the sky reaching prices of conventional healthcare in the modern era.
- Moreover, another positive aspect of Homeopathy is that this can be used alongside with other therapies and medications.
- Even people suffering with heart problems, hypertension, those using insulin for diabetes, and thyroid problems can also go in for homeopathic treatment while taking their conventional medications.
How does Homeopathy work?
Homeopathic medicine is a holistic system of treatment which basically identifies and makes use of the own power of the human body which is in other words known as the Vital Force and this is what is believed to be stimulating all the living beings in this world. In contrast to the most common belief of many people that homeopathy is a kind of herbal or natural treatment; it is, in essence, far more specific and a clear-cut system of medicine that is complete and quite exhaustive. It is a system of holistic medication that can enable the course of not just healing the mind and body but also getting back a person to complete wellness, power, function and cheerfulness.
Homeopathy is different in terms of the way individuals are treated and is essentially become part of the traditional Western medicine these days. The strong belief of this stream of medication is that, the more diluted is a medicine; the more is its power to cure the illness.
2. Homeopathic Remedies and Treatments
Homeopathy is a very old system of treatment and healing which uses extremely diluted substances to fuel a healing reaction in the human body.
Principles on which Homeopathy is based
Homeopathy is predominantly based on three sound principles namely:
- The principle/law of Similar
- Law of individualization
- Law of infinitesimal dose
According to the law of similars or technically called "similia similibuscurantur," or "like cures like," it is believed that any substance that might cause a symptom in a healthy body has also got the power to heal the same symptom found in a person who is ill. Likewise, the law of individualization denotes that the symptoms of each and every human being are unique and in a situation where the person falls sick, homeopathic treatment tends to look for the person who is suffering with the disease and not the disease essentially that is making the person to suffer. The third principle on which homeopathy relies upon is the law of infinitesimal dosage of medication, and according to this particular principle, the medication that is administered to a patient who is suffering with a particular symptom is equal to the total symptoms that are found in the person. This form of alternative medicine focuses more on locating the modalities of the specific symptom and not much on the disease in essence.
How it works?
Homeopathy makes use of only natural substances which if administered in strong doses result in symptoms, but rectifies these same symptoms if the dosage is administered in a diluted form basically at the infinitesimal dose. When the immune system is feeble and is not in a position to restore the human being back to an overall cure all by its own, then there is a need for stimulation that is to be done along with medicine. The drug must encompass great amounts of medicinal energies which are actually capable of encouraging the immune system.
The primary cause for any disease is nothing but toxins. Toxins actually disturb the steadiness of the vital force and interrupt vital function. Thus, during illness, the vital force endeavors to restore the organism back to equilibrium. As vital energy upsurges in an endeavor to eliminate toxins from the system, it also incites symptoms.
Symptoms in Homeopathy
Symptoms, in homeopathy, are an expression of the human being attempting to indict a melancholic cause. It is a cautionary sign which validates the presence of a disease.
How does the remedy work?
The repeated dilution of the remedy leaves an energy inscription of the actual substance. As energy cannot be demolished but transmuted, the energy of the homeopathic medicine reverberates with the vital energy of the body and eventually stimulates a therapeutic response. As soon as, the remedy is administered, normally it is given to be kept below the tongue and is also not supposed to be touched by hands; the effect of the medicinal energy starts to work on the sublingual nerve around the tongue. The nerve diffuses a signal along the sensory nerve cells and goes up to the spinal cord where the signs are distributed on to the motor cells and finally to the affected part of the body.
3. Dilutions of Homeopathic Medicines
Homeopathic Medicines – Extremely Diluted Substances
Homeopathic medications are made from a procedure called potentization. This particular process of preparing medication comprises of a series of methodical dilutions and sequences, precisely a potent form of shaking the medicine. Potentization is very vital as it eliminates all sorts of risk associated with chemicals and toxins while stimulating a therapy substance and permitting it to provide a therapeutic effect on the body.
Process involved in making Homeopathic medicines
The initial step in the preparation of a homeopathic medication is obtaining an unadulterated preparation of the original ingredient in its natural formula, which is essentially a solution of a particular mineral salt, a plant’s “mother tincture”, and a few other natural substances. The original material is then administered through a measured sequence of dilutions, while also alternating with succussions, till the preferred potency is obtained.
The potencies of Homeopathic medications are precisely labeled by the grouping of a number and a letter like for instance, 8X or 20C. The number basically indicates the total number of dilutions that the solution has undergone in a sequence to prepare that medication. The letter indicates the quantities used in every dilution of the sequence; the letter X according to Roman numeral is equal to 10, and the Roman numeral C is equal to 100. In addition, this also indicates, the total number of succussions the ampoule of solution goes through in each consecutive stage.
The more is the amount of dilutions and succussions that a substance is put through; the greater is the potency of the medication. Increased potencies of homeopathic medications, precisely anything that is greater than 12C, would have essentially been diluted beyond the extent at which those fragments of the original substance would be quantifiable in the solution. This is one of the primary challenges that is leading to skepticism when it comes to accepting and getting comfortable with the basic idea of homeopathy as an alternative stream of healthcare. Homeopathic remedies, when selected appropriately, work effectively. However, they do not work in the manner in which conventional drugs work as the conventional drugs work by way of chemical reactions which in the course of medication would affect the proper functioning of the system.
The fact that still is being researched for answer is to why potentized remedies have such a profound impact on the body and precisely, though there have been a wide range of akin theories that were developed by many researchers in pursuit of finding answer to the above question. It has been indicated by a few researchers and theorists that medications that are made through potentization work in a highly energetic manner and in due course act towards stimulating the body towards healing itself in an effective and efficient manner.
Homeopathic medicines are being sought after by many people these days globally as a highly effective alternate therapy and this system of treatment have actually been in use for close to 200 years and more. Millions of consumers globally prefer homeopathy today for remedies to a wide range of illnesses.
4. Dietary Precautions with Homeopathic Treatment
Brief Introduction
Homeopathy is an alternative stream of treatment and medication which do not have any sort of chemicals in them. People who are not keen or comfortable using allopathic medicines can go in for homeopathic treatment and medication as it is the best and natural way of treating the various issues with health. Homeopathy has the power to cure, both a modest infection as well as a chronic disease. There have been evidences that state that homeopathic treatment has offered better results when compared to the conventional medication. However, it is to be noted that homeopathy acts as a continuing remedy for treating various health issues and it is safe to be used by people of all ages from toddlers to senior citizens alike, though there are a couple of precautions that are to be taken into account prior to taking homeopathic medications.
Precautions to be taken prior to starting on homeopathic medications- Homeopathic medicines should never be kept open. These medicines should always be stored in a cold place with the lid close each time the pills are taken out or the liquid consumed.
- Homeopathic medicines should never be touched directly by putting on to the palm. They are supposed to be consumed directly from the bottle. In case the medicine is a liquid form, then a dropper needs to be used for the consumption of the medicine. If the medicine is touched with hands, this might result in the spirit blended with the medicine being taken off. Actually, it is the spirit blended with the pills, the most important constituent of homeopathic medications.
- Following the half an hour rule is of high importance when using homeopathic medications. Nothing should be consumed half an hour minutes before and after the medicine is taken. This is the most important factor that needs to be borne in mind while undergoing homeopathic treatment.
- Get rid of addictions, if any. This is another important precaution that is to be borne in mind. If homeopathic treatment is being taken, then it is of high importance that the patient gets rid of any sort of addictions, if any, like for instance smoking, alcohol consumption, drug addiction etc.
- Avoid Coffee. For a few homeopathic dilutions, coffee essentially serves as an antidote. Thus, many people suggest that, while under homeopathic treatment, coffee should not be consumed.
- Many homeopathic practitioners suggest that sour foods are not supposed to be consumed while undergoing homeopathic treatment and taking homeopathic medications. Examples of such foods include tamarind, lime, etc.
- Also, a few other food substances which have pungent smell also need to be avoided while taking homeopathic medicines. Such foods include onion, garlic, ginger and other similar substances that are extremely pungent. The reason for suggesting avoiding these kinds of strong smelling foods is that, these foods might minimize the effect of the spirit mixed with the homeopathic medicine, which is essentially the most important ingredient of the medicine.
- Many practitioners also suggest that homeopathic medicines are not supposed to be taken along with other conventional medicines like Ayurvedic medicines or allopathic drugs.