Dr.K.H. Matani Homeopathy Doctor Mumbai

Dr.K.H. Matani
Homeopathy Doctor, Mumbai

LCEH, B.Sc, BHMS, MD (Hom)

  • 48 Years Experience
  • Dr.K.H. Matani Worked as a house physician, Govt. Hom. Hospital.

    Dr.K.H. Matani Worked as an Hon. Ast.prof. in Physiology, Bom Hom. Medical college


  • Homeopathy



  • LCEH, B.Sc, BHMS, MD (Hom)
  • LCEH from Bombay Homoeopathic Medical College
  • B.Sc (Physiology) from G.S.Medical college, Bombay University
  • BHMS from Poona University
  • MD (Hom) from Rajasthan University

Practice Information

Patient Experience

Your participation in the survey will help other patients make informed decisions. You will also be helping Dr.K.H. Matani and his staff know how they are doing and how they can improve their services.

Achievements & Contributions

  • Presented scientific papers at national & international Hom. Conferences