Narayan Ayurvedic Clinic

Narayan Ayurvedic Clinic, Ahmedabad

33, GyandaSoc, Jivaraj Park, Ahmedabad, Gujarat - 380051

  • 1 Speciality
  • 2 Doctors


  • Ayurveda


  • Diabetes
  • Vat Vyadhis (All types of diseases related to Nervous System, joints and Pain-management)
  • Kustha (Related to all Skin disorders)
  • Hair and Beauty Problems
  • Diseases of the digestive system including chronic dysentry, colitis
  • Pratishyaya(cold), Kasa(cough) and other Respiratory Problems
  • Sexual Problems
  • Raktpitta (All types of Bleeding disorders and Blood born diseases)
  • Oja Kshya (AIDS, Cancer and diseases of vital organs)
  • Gynecological Problems
  • Nija-swayathu (All types of indigenous oedema)
  • Manas-Roga (Diseases related to disturbed mind and depression)


Doctors List

Name Speciality View Profile
Vaidya Viral V. Shah Ayurveda
Dr. Vaidya Nuti V. Shah Ayurveda


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