Samadhan Ayurveda Panchkarma Hospital & Research Centre

Samadhan Ayurveda Panchkarma Hospital & Research Centre, Nagpur

Plot No. 50, Ganesh Nagar , Nagpur, Maharashtra - 400009

  • 2 Specialities
  • 4 Doctors


  • Ayurveda
  • Homeopathy


  • Vaman Karma
  • Virechan Karma
  • It is a process by which elimination of vitiated pitta dosha and pitta  is indicated in a chronic fever, Anaemia, 
  • Basti Karma
  • Niruha basti – mainly use of decoction 
  • Kshir basti – mainly use of milk.
  • Nasya Karma
  • The administration of medicated oils, ghee, juices, powders through 
  • Raktmokshan Karma Sirveda
  • Jallaukawacharan
  • Kati Basti
  • Manyabasti
  • Netratarpan
  • Abhyanga
  • Pindasweda
  • Nadisweda
  • Sarwang Baspasweda (Medicated Steambath)
  • Takradhara
  • Shirodhara
  • Shirobasti
  • Awagahasweda
  • Urobasti & Hridbasti
  • Ksharsutra Therapy


Doctors List

Name Speciality View Profile
Dr. Ujwala Gahukar Ayurveda
Dr. Vedprakash Gahukar Ayurveda
Dr. Dhanraj Gahukar Ayurveda
Dr. Jyoti Gahukar Homeopathy


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