Building Stamina Through Yoga

Building Stamina Through Yoga

Yoga is a blessing to mankindThis is not an over-stretch but an understatement. We visit the gym, learn martial arts or other forms of physical activity for health, however, rule out the master of physical exercises- Hatha Yoga. This is primarily due to a lack of awareness. It is a misconception that Yoga is to be used only by elders or those suffering from diseases. It should be embraced by everyone including athletes as this brings to the body stamina, vigor, and peace of mind.

Yoga is perhaps the only physical discipline that ropes in a smooth and supple body and calmness of mind from the initial stages itself. The movements appear free-flowing like water and hence people think this does not help in stamina building. However, movements into a pose and retention of the body in the pose require strong muscular as well as the support of the respiratory system.

To drive home this point, we would like to bring to your notice 5 Asanas that boost your stamina. These are best learned through a teacher, however, the benefits are listed for your understanding.

List Of Yoga Asanas To Build Stamina

1. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) contracts the spine and thus stretches the abdomen region. Clears the residue air in the lungs and increases the air intake boosting the energy levels. The voice, skin clarity digestion all improve as a result of this asana.

2. Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward-facing dog pose)

Doing this pose increases the blood flow to the brain and tones the muscular system from head to toes. This regulates the flow of nutrients and makes the body less prone to fatigue

3. Dandasana (Stick pose)

Dandasana is a very challenging pose, the armed forces use this for rapidly strengthening muscles and boosting stamina levels. It also builds the shape of the body and increases focus

4. Padmottanasana (lotus pose)

Padmottanasana helps to the best among the 5 presented here. This stretches the spine and works on lung capacity. One also tends to stand erect through regular practice

5. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

Trikonasana stretches the spine and increases the flow of blood. Directly reduces any minor deformities in the mid and lower body region. This increases oxygen intake and builds tissues faster and thus builds stamina