6 Ways to Improve Your Digestion and Never Experience Gut Problems

How many times have you thought - I’m not eating that anymore? Our guts are genetically more vulnerable to some foods, while others have issues when consuming different things, and there’s nothing we can do about it.

What we can do is mind what we eat. Some things are commonly bad for you and your health. Animals have a natural sense of what’s good for them and won’t eat things that will make them sick, but humans are different. This is why we need to mind what we consume.

If you’re often struggling with gut pain and wondering how to improve the situation, you surely want to know more about this. In this article, we share six essential things to know about your digestive system. Follow up and learn what you should change to feel good after meals and how to prevent stomach aches.  

1. Abandon processed foods

Processed foods are the worst for your body and organs, but we love consuming them because they are so tasty. With tons of ingredients we wouldn’t normally eat, these foods are made so delicious that we see them as treats after a great job done or as comfort when something goes wrong during the day.

Many people are food addicts as they can’t stop eating processed foods like fast food, sodas, bacon, sausages, cakes, etc. Although some guts will easily digest them, most will have trouble processing them, as they don’t find this type of food normal. Avoiding these types and eating whole foods will make the situation much better.

2. Regularly consume probiotics

Probiotics are chemically developed pills with live microorganisms to help your gut flora flourish. The microorganisms living inside your gut are crucial for the digestion of food. It’s an ecosystem that particular ingredients may harm, so you must nourish it.

When you consume probiotics, you help the flora do its job properly. If it is destroyed, it will be restored, and if you’ve consumed something bad, the probiotics will lower the negative effects. Still, it’s best to consult a doctor before taking some, as they can also have an opposite reaction in rare cases.

3. Eat fiber-rich foods

Another thing that enhances your gut function is feeding it with fiber-rich foods. These foods act like glue for all the leftovers in your gut and the entire digestive tract and keep moving all the way to the exit, providing a feeling of lightness.

Fibers absorb an excessive amount of water, cleaning up the organism. You can find fibers in nuts, legumes, seeds, vegetables, whole grains, and other foods. Although you might not fancy them too much and are more into other stuff, it’s wise to take some nuts occasionally.

4. Drink enough water

If you eat fiber-rich foods but you’re not drinking enough water, you’ll just create a bigger problem. Aside from this, water is essential for your entire body, so drinking at least a few liters per day is crucial for keeping the system functioning properly.

Your digestive system depends on water tremendously. If you become dehydrated, aside from other health conditions you may face, you’ll surely become constipated. Aside from fresh water, you can also consume water-rich foods, like watermelons, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, etc.

5. Avoid stress

It’s interesting how stress is an invisible threat to your entire body. Stress is something we feel and is not affecting us physically, but it can seriously harm our gut. It’s proven that stress affects your immune system significantly, and the gut is on the same level.

When you get into a stressful situation, your digestive system stops working. All the blood that is supposed to go into your gut will be diverted elsewhere because your mind thinks it is more important to take it there. You’ll only start digesting again once you’re stress-free. Constant stress causes severe diseases and conditions, and cancer is one of them.

6. Exercise regularly

Movement is the best way to battle food digestion issues. Taking a 10-minute walk after meals can significantly improve the situation. Why? Because as food is processed and starts moving through the bowels, gravitation and movement will help the food move faster. Our digestive system is designed to ignore gravitational forces. We may use this force to our advantage, though.

Aside from this, regular exercising means building muscle. Muscle needs more energy to maintain shape, which makes the digestive system deliver more. With more exercise comes a need for more food, which makes the gut work better and faster.


When you’re having gut problems, you usually take a pill to lower the symptoms. People rarely look for the problem and focus on a quick solution. The points above show how to prevent gut pain and improve the digestive system. Follow them, and you’ll never have gut problems again.