Best Natural Shampoos For Dry Scalp- Provide Moisture To The Scalp
The problem of dry scalp is quite difficult to handle. People often confuse between the problem of dandruff and dry scalp thinking they are the same. But actually, they are quite different from one another. The issue of dry scalp is not only uncomfortable and frustrating, but it might lead to extremely embarrassing situations. Winters are the times when the problem of dry scalp aggravates. The winter air is chilly and dry and there is indoor heating. These are the two main factors that lead to the drying of the skin, including the scalp. In case you wear berets and wooly hats, you can add itching to the problem of a dry scalp.
Preventing And Treating The Problem Of Dry And Itchy Scalp
The only good news about dry and itchy scalp is that it is possible to treat the problem and manage the same with proper attention. It is recommended to keep away from hair products that abound in various kinds of chemicals and other components and this could trigger various kinds of scalp problems. Cleaning your hair often is very important – both underdoing and overdoing for the hair wash would call for problems. Using the right amount of shampoo is also very important; overusing it will lead to dry scalp normally.
There are times when the scalp is dry and prone to damage. There are ingredients like tea tree oil, which help in boosting the moisture levels in the scalp and the issue of dry scalp and itchiness can be combated successfully. The oil also has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Along with tea tree oil, coconut oil also shows excellent results for the problem of dry scalp and itchiness. Apart from the oils, it is also great to use the best natural shampoos for dry scalp. These shampoos will restore the scalp and keep it healthy. The problem of itchiness can also be controlled well with shampoos.
Best Natural Shampoos For Dry Scalp
1. Honey Dry Scalp And Anti-dandruff Shampoo
The mild cleansing property of honey is well known. This is one of the main reasons why the ingredient can help with the problem of dry scalp. It is interesting to see that honey is used in many anti-dandruff shampoos for moisturizing the scalp and also heal the same if needed. Honey has a slightly acidic nature and it helps in balancing the pH levels of the scalp for maintaining a healthy scalp. Because of its moisturizing qualities, honey conditions and moisturizes the dry scalp. The hair becomes soft and shiny.
To make the shampoo, you will need
- 1 tablespoon of raw honey
- 1 tablespoon Aloe Vera Gel
- 1/4 cup of water
- 2 drops of rosemary essential oil
- 1 drop peppermint essential oil
Combine the water and the honey in a bowl and mix them well. Add the other ingredients also and mix well. Pour the mixture into a shampoo bottle. For the application of the shampoo, wet the hair and then massage the shampoo on the scalp for about one minute. Rinse thoroughly after that. Let your hair dry naturally for the best result.
2. Lime And Cucumber Scalp Detox
This is an excellent shampoo for dry scalp, not dandruff. The cleanser works excellently for your flaky and itchy scalp. Cucumber abounds in anti-itching and anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, cucumber is a coolant. It is also an excellent ingredient for hydrating and moisturizing the scalp. The dryness and the flakiness will disappear with the help of this naturally made shampoo. Cucumber also contains vital components like minerals, antioxidants, vitamin C, biotin, and other kinds of micro-nutrients, which help in hair growth by nourishing hair follicles. Lime also adds to the benefits by fighting against the dry scalp. Since it is acidic in nature, lime helps in removing dead skin cells, oil, dirt, and other things from the scalp. Rich in vitamin C, lime has antiseptic and detoxifying benefits. The scalp remains healthy with this natural shampoo.
To make the shampoo, you will need
- 1 teaspoon lime juice
- 1 cup peeled and chopped cucumber
- 3 drops of rosemary essential oil
Blend the cucumber and make a fine paste of the same. Add lime juice to the same and mix well. The detox scalp is absolutely ready to use. This mixture is to be applied to the scalp religiously. You can either use a cotton piece or use your fingers for applying the mixture section by section. Massage the shampoo gently for a few minutes on the scalp. Leave it like that for 5-15 minutes. Wash it off with plain water. You will have a clean and fresh scalp.
3. Shikakai pH Balanced Shampoo
This shampoo works excellently for dry and flaky scalp. In fact, it is considered the best shampoo for dry scalp and color-treated hair. This shampoo can be used as an everyday shampoo. The scalp can be cleaned beautifully with this shampoo without removing the protective oils. The shampoo also has conditioning and moisturizing effects. This shampoo can be applied to all hair types. All the ingredients used in making this shampoo are completely natural and each one abounds in excellent properties.
To make the shampoo, you will need
- 2 soap nuts or reetha
- 5-6 pods of shikakai
- 1 tablespoon of marshmallow root
- 1-2 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds
- 2 and 1/2 cups of water
Take a stainless steel pan and add the water and all the other ingredients in the same. Bring the mixture to a boil and keep on boiling the same for about 10-12 minutes. You can add more water if you want. Once done, turn off the gas and let it rest so that the components ‘steep’ till it cools. Strain all the herbs out. Pour the mixture into a bottle. For using, wet the hair and then apply the shampoo on the hair slowly and massage so that it gets soaked by the scalp. Let it be there for 4-5 minutes. Use clean water for rinsing the hair and scalp. Let the hair dry naturally.
Try the above-mentioned shampoos for the dry scalp in men and women without fear of any kinds of side effects.