How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Sinus Infection?

Apple Cider Vinegar for Sinus Infection

Apple cider vinegar is a must-have ingredient in your kitchen if you are really into a healthy lifestyle. Besides being a great spice for your tea and salads, apple cider vinegar has a lot more to offer, especially as far as your health is concerned. For decades, apple cider vinegar has been a home remedy to treat a variety of conditions, both inside and outside your body. For instance, ACV aids in indigestion while maintaining healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Wondering what else apple cider vinegar can offer? In this article, we will discuss how to use apple cider vinegar for sinus infection.

What Is Sinus Infection?

Sinus, also medically referred to as sinusitis or rhinosinusitis is the swelling /inflammation of the tissue lining of the sinuses where the tissues are filled with air creating a hollow space. When the tissue block or fill up with fluid, the germs can grow and cause an infection. In most cases, sinusitis affects the paranasal sinuses causing nasal swelling and build-up of mucus.

Types Of Sinusitis

There are 3 types of sinus infections;

1. Acute Sinus- It's the most common type of sinus infection that lasts for about 4 weeks

2. Subacute Sinus- This type tends to last for about 4 to 12 weeks

3. Chronic Sinus- This type is serious and usually need invasive treatment. In most cases, symptoms persist for more than 12 weeks

The treatment and recovery time for sinus infection will depend on the type of sinus one is experiencing.

Causes Of Sinus Infection

According to research, a sinus infection can result from a number of factors, but, in most cases, it's as a result of fluid being trapped in the sinuses, which encourages the growth of germs. Other common causes of sinus infection include;

  • Viruses - Approximately 90 % of adults sinus cases are as a result of a virus
  • Pollution - Harmful chemicals in the air can encourage a buildup of mucus causing an infection
  • Bacteria - About every 1 in 10 cases of sinus infection in adults is caused by bacteria
  • Allergic Rhinitis - The swelling of the nose lining
  • Fungi - Mostly cause chronic sinusitis where the sinuses are invaded or react with the fungi in the air.
  • Common cold
  • Deviated septum - A shift in the nasal cavity
  • Nasal Polyps - Small growths in the nose lining

Symptoms Of Sinus Infection

In most cases, symptoms vary depending on the type and severity of the infection that the individual is facing. According to research, if you experience a number of these symptoms, it's possible that you have a sinus infection;

  • Green or yellow thick nasal discharge
  • Blocked nose
  • Nasal discharge
  • Fever
  • Facial pressure and pain
  • Cough and congestion
  • Headaches and toothaches
  • Halitosis - Foul-smelling breath
  • Reduced sense of smell
  • Tiredness

It’s advisable to visit your health care provider if symptoms persist for over 12 weeks. The doctor is well equipped and can diagnose your condition and offer the appropriate treatment. If the symptoms are not that serious then you can follow some home remedies like using apple cider vinegar for sinus may help to get rid of the symptoms and feel relaxed.

Risk Factors Of Sinus Infection

There are a number of factors that can increase the chances of developing a sinus infection;

  • Weak Immunity - Can be caused by another serious health condition
  • Previous and regular respiratory tract infections
  • Allergy to pollen, animal hair, dust
  • A deviated septum and other nasal structural problems

[Also Read: Importance Of Ayurveda For Respiratory Health]

Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar For Sinus Infection

Apple cider vinegar is very effective in the treatment and managing the symptoms of sinus infection. However, to be more effective, consider using it raw, organic, and unfiltered. The more natural it is, the safer and effective it will be to treat the condition. The following are some of the benefits of apple cider vinegar for sinus;

1. Rich In Essential Components Such As Vitamins And Minerals

According to research, apple cider vinegar is rich in vitamins such as Vitamin A, E, B1, and B2. Additionally, it's packed with antioxidants and essential minerals such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium. These components are effective in boosting the immune system and in return can help in preventing /managing a sinus infection. Also, they are effective in thinning mucus, cleaning, and drying the sinus cavities.

[Also Read: Benefits Of using Vitamin E]

2. Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Fungal, Anti-Inflammatory, Antihistamine, And Antiseptic Properties

All these natural properties of Apple cider vinegar for sinus are effective in clearing and drying infection faster. Also, the antihistamine property is said to hinder the production and release of histamines (it's associated with sneezing, running nose, and other allergic reactions).

3. Rich In Electrolytes

Studies suggest that electrolytes are essential in balancing the body’s pH levels. Apple cider vinegar for sinus is rich in electrolytes and having it regularly can prevent and manage the attack of microbes.

How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For A Sinus Infection?

It is very straightforward to use apple cider vinegar for sinus to manage the symptoms of infection. But, as tempting as it may be to put it directly in your nose, you shouldn't. This is because the mucous membranes are very thin and will develop burns if you apply vinegar as a physical skin remedy.

The most effective and easy way of using apple cider vinegar for sinus infection is to drink it. However, it's recommended that you dilute it with water because it can cause burns on the esophagus if drunk on its own. According to studies, you should take about 1 to 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar per day.

Another simple way to treat sinus infection with apple cider vinegar is steaming it up and breathing in its fumes. Just make sure not to bring your face too close to the hot water.

Step 1: steaming

  • Boil water in a pot
  • Add about 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • Lean over the hot water
  • Breath in the fumes for about 5 to 10 minutes
  • Rinse off your face and apply a moisturizer to prevent your skin from drying up (because of the steam)

Step 2: Preparation Of Apple Cider Vinegar Tea

It’s very easy to prepare an apple cider vinegar drink.


  • Water (cup)
  • 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
  • Honey to taste (optional)
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Lemon juice


  • Boil the water
  • Add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
  • Add lemon juice (1 lemon)
  • Add 1 tablespoon of honey - To taste and as well add healing properties
  • Serve and enjoy your drink

For faster results, it's best if you have this drink about 2 times per day. Your infection will clear up in no time.


Although Apple cider vinegar for sinus is effective in the treatment of a wide variety of conditions, Using it too much or drinking it without diluting could irritate your esophagus. Also, drinking too much of ACV is associated with an upset stomach and tooth decay among other complications.


Although sinus infection is not a very serious condition (except for the chronic type), it's important to be cautious and go for a diagnosis if you notice any symptoms just to be sure you are fine. Additionally, you can use Apple cider vinegar for sinus infection as we have discussed above. Just make sure not to overdo it and visit a doctor immediately if the symptoms persist.


Catherine Nderi

Catherine is a dedicated freelance health and science writer committed to excellence and professionalism. She specializes in health topics including diet and nutrition, immune-related diseases, surgery, and cancer.